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Video: Do British Columbians invest with their values?


British Columbians are very aware and engaged on a variety of social, ethical and environmental issues. We make an effort to address important issues in our communities and around the world.  But does that mean we make that same effort to buy or invest with our values too?

One way to invest with our values is by participating in socially responsible investing (SRI), which is  choosing and managing investments based in part on how companies impact people and the planet, and how ethically they manage their businesses and operations. A recent Vancity report found that only 19% of British Columbians say they have invested in SRI before. However, the future looks promising for socially responsible investing in B.C. According to the survey, a majority of B.C. residents are interested in SRI, and 75% of those aged 18-34 are interested in participating in socially responsible investing. For more info on the findings of Vancity’s report, watch the video below:

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