Last updated on June 17, 2024
In BC we’re no strangers to the impacts of the climate crisis. We’re already at the start of what will likely be a hot summer with many wildfires burning throughout our province. For homeowners, having a safe home that can beat the heat and have clean indoor air quality has never been more important. Luckily, heat pumps are now a tried and tested technology in BC and there are plenty of reasons to install one in your home.
Vancity members can use their exclusive member perk to talk to a home energy expert with City Green Solutions. Homeowners can also call the free Energy Coach line through CleanBC to learn more about the rebates and see what they might qualify for.
Despite their name heat pumps actually provide heating and cooling all in one package. And many can purify the air, which is critical when dealing with wildfire smoke.
For the average household in BC, it is now less expensive to heat with an electric heat pump than natural gas furnace. In BC, more than half of the energy used in a typical home comes from space heating and cooling. The majority of heating systems in these homes are powered by natural gas or oil and are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions in our province, contributing to the climate impacts mentioned above. Using more energy-efficient and low-carbon heating can help homes reduce their carbon footprint, conserve energy, and may also reduce energy bills.
Heat pump rebate program.
Exciting news! BC and the federal government are expanding the heat pump rebate program to help low and middle-income households switch to cleaner heating options. The new program – called the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program – starts June 18. Here are some key highlights:
- Homes requiring an electrical system upgrade to accommodate heat pumps may also qualify for rebates of up to $5,000.
- Income qualified applicants could receive as much as $24,000 to cover the cost of a heat pump installation and electrical upgrades.
- Instead of requiting homeowners to pay for installation upfront, the program will pay contractors directly, easing the financial burden.
- The program can also be combined with the Government of Canada’s Greener Homes Loan Program where homeowners can receive a 0% interest loan for up to $40,000.
- The program has increased the rebate amount available to lower-income households and also included a new tier for middle-income households. Now a 4-person household that earns up to $185,000 can receive up to $10,500 for their heat pump when they switch off of natural gas and $1500 for an electrical service upgrade.
There are rebates available for a wide variety of systems as well as insulation, windows and doors, and hot water systems. For all rebates available and information about the new Clean BC Home Energy Savings program you can check out the CleanBC rebate search tool or talk to a CleanBC Energy Coach.
Heat pumps handle heating and cooling in one system, saving you the hassle of buying separate appliances. They deliver three times more heat energy to a home than the electrical energy they consume and can cut your electricity use by 50%, depending on the heating system the heat pump is replacing.
What is a heat pump?
A heat pump is a heating and cooling system that can be installed on the outside of your home. It works by transferring heat from one place to another, using an internal refrigerant. In the winter, your heat pump will take heat from the outdoors and move it inside. Yes, even on a cold winter day there is still heat in the air that can be transferred. In the summer, it removes heat from your home and transfers it to the outdoors.
This makes them much more efficient than other heating and cooling systems like furnaces or air conditioners. They are also “set and forget” systems, so you won’t need to adjust the temperature day-to-day.
Why use a heat pump?
- It’s energy efficient: Heat pumps handle heating and cooling in one system, saving you the hassle of buying separate appliances. They deliver three times more heat energy to a home than the electrical energy they consume and can cut your electricity use by 50%, depending on the heating system the heat pump is replacing.
- Comfortable and healthy indoor air quality: Another important feature of many heat pumps is their air filtration abilities which can ensure healthier indoor air quality. With more wildfires in our future, this is something that will be increasingly important. And heat pumps provide consistent year-round comfort so no need to fight over the thermostat!
- Environmentally friendly: Switching from fossil fuels to electric heat pumps for space heating can result in energy savings of up to 80%. If you live in BC, choosing an electric heat pump means it will be powered by hydroelectricity, making it a much more environmentally friendly option than heating systems that use natural gas or oil. There are many rebates available for homes that switch to heat pumps, both at the federal and provincial levels.
Access rebates for home energy renovations:
- Use the CleanBC Rebate Search Tool to find rebates for your home. The new CleanBC Home Energy Savings rebate program will be launching June 18 with increased rebates for low and middle-income households.
- The Planet-Wise™ Home Renovation Loan by Vancity lets you borrow from Vancity Prime +0.4% when making qualifying renovations
What to know before buying a heat pump.
While buying a heat pump may seem like a quick energy fix, there are often smaller, more cost-effective things you can do before replacing your heating system in order to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint. Check out BC Hydro’s guide to buying heat pumps to learn more. Members can also use Vancity’s free Home Energy Advice service to talk to an energy expert about solutions for their home.
Types of heat pumps.
Heat pumps come in a variety of types, sizes, and systems. Houses with built-in ducting can use central ducted heat pumps that heat and cool air through ductwork that is connected to vents in each room. Homes without pre-existing ducting, or those that want to remove or stop the use of ducting, can use mini-split heat pumps.
If you live in a place with long, cold winters, you may want to look for a cold climate heat pump. Cold climate heat pumps are built to work efficiently in conditions down to -25 degrees Celsius. They can also be used in heritage homes or homes that are less efficient in cold weather.
Air-to-water heat pumps are a great option for homeowners who want the comfort of radiant heating without increasing their carbon footprint. They are also a good choice for homeowners who are retrofitting an electric or gas-dependent home.
Finding the right contractor.
Finding the right contractor to install your heat pump is just as important as finding the right heat pump. Heat pump installations can be complex, so it’s important to find a contractor who is qualified and has experience. You’ll also need to use a contractor to access many of the home retrofitting rebates.
You can find a list of registered contractors on the Clean BC website. Once you’ve found a few contractors in your area, be sure to read reviews and get referrals from friends or family before making your decision. The Home Energy Advice service can also help Vancity members to review their quotes from contractors and support them in making an informed decision.
Quiet heat pumps.
A common complaint about heat pumps is that they are noisy. But the truth is, not all heat pumps are created equal. There are plenty of quiet heat pumps on the market, just like there are quiet dishwashers and washing machines–it’s just a matter of knowing what to look for.
When you’re shopping for a heat pump, be sure to ask your contractor about the decibel rating. A standard heat pump has a decibel rating of about 60, but there are plenty of heat pumps on the market with ratings as low as 50. If you live in a duplex or will be installing your heat pump close to your neighbours, be sure to choose a quiet model.
Green home, green planet.
Looking for ways to shrink your carbon footprint and do your part for the environment? Heat pumps are a great solution. Switching to a heat pump can reduce your household’s greenhouse gas footprint by over 90%!
Thinking about getting a heat pump? Start by getting free home energy advice from a CityGreen expert when you bank with Vancity. You can learn more about what will be a good fit for your home and can also get help with reviewing quotes from heat pump installers.